
LAMINIL®, the right material for signage and POP communication support
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The right material for communication
The communication at the point of sale in GDO, in single-brand chains and multi-brand stores, is constantly being renewed.
It is the most immediate, effective and creative channel to communicate with the consumer and to keep his attention alive on promotions, available services and temporary initiatives.
Signs and posters of various types and sizes brighten up the exhibition space also creating the right atmosphere on the point of sale at different times of the year (Christmas and holidays, sales, etc.).
The communication and advertising campaigns carried out during a specific period of time can be developed in order to stick in the consumer’s memory.
The term “signage” gathers a wide range of supports that includes posters, hanging posters, rotair, kakemono, photo frames, window and counter signs.
The signage needs materials with specific characteristics:
- They must be practical, light and easy to assemble, to position or to hang
- Excellent value for money, considering that the average life of the support can be short (a few weeks) or seasonal
- Good visual impact to attract consumer’s attention. They must be adaptable to many creative solutions in terms of visual and format and must have an excellent printing performance.
- Good durability and resistance to time, wear, moisture and sunlight.
LAMINIL® uses and the specificity of ISOPRINT for signage
The LAMINIL® range is traditionally used to create signs, included various applications for POP communication.
ISONOVA supplies many retail chains and brands in every sector of the industry: fashion, cosmetics, food, hi-tech products.
LAMINIL® panels offer an extremely wide choice of customization to be carried out with off-set printing on cardboard laminated to LAMINIL® to be then die-cut, creating elaborated and perfectly outlined shapes, customizable with matt or glossy effects, suitable also for decoration of large surfaces. LAMINIL® becomes the only substitute to cardboard and can be worked with much more qualitative results with the same techniques of paper converting. Today, with the BIOLAMINIL® version, it is also possible to guarantee the sustainability of the finished product.
LAMINIL® signs are lightweight, maintain the stability of the shape over time, do not deteriorate along the edges and are not affected by moisture, preserving an optimal appearance during exposure. The sides are not sharp and the minimum weight guarantees full security at the point of sale, in case of accidental falls.
One of the most appreciated aspects of LAMINIL®, in addition to its performance, is the speed of processing and conversion. In fact, these panels require minimal timing for paper converting and direct printing. The conversion speed together with the brands needs for efficient communication campaigns allows to obtain effective visual media to be displayed on the points of sale. Another decisive factor is the lightness of the LAMINIL® material and the possibility of designing three-dimensional signs as flat packed to be assembled at the time of use, reducing transport and storage costs.

ISOPRINT, the semi-rigid panel for digital printing
Within the LAMINIL® range, ISOPRINT is the successful product for signage sector for POP communication.
ISOPRINT is a sandwich panel made with a denser foam, which gives it greater rigidity and flatness, important for using digital UV / LED flat printers.
ISOPRINT allows for direct print in high-resolution with precise output, without smudging or overlapping colors and with reduced drying times.
Unlike other materials with plastic surfaces, ISOPRINT paper surface allows a very high printing resolution.
Today the BIOISOPRINT version allows to obtain a high quality and eco-sustainable finished product, unlike all the other plastic panels available on the market.
ISOPRINT, suitable for POP communication, guarantees resistance and durability for signs, enhancing the printing quality for visual communication.
ISOPRINT is appreciated to create high quality digitally printed panels, photo frames and kakemono, which complete the furnishing of the points of sale and underline the visual identity of the brand. It is also suitable for signs of larger dimensions on the point of sale, to be placed on the ground or to be hung with adhesive or nylon threads. The panels can be printed directly or laminated with printed supports, folded and cut by plotter machines.
Choose the most suitable support
LAMINIL® panels are available in 2, 3, 5, 7 and 10 mm thicknesses.
The most used LAMINIL® products for signage and point of sale applications are:
- BIOLAMINIL® for fully biodegradable products at the end of their life cycle
